I haven't made dolls in almost three weeks and it's driving me a little nuts. Actually what's driving me nuts is that I've taken to saying "this is/you are driving me nuts" a lot lately and I dont know where that came from (lack of sleep maybe?). Anyhow I should be back to it by Thursday and have lots of ideas for my next batch.
Etsy has been a wonderful source of talented artists, one of which makes strange, creepy yet sweet dolls-the kind that I wish I had made. Katja is from Sweden and I bought this little redhead entitled "I could fancy a cup of coffee" from her last week. Her dolls are worth checking out (of course they're all pictured in the Sold section of her Etsy shop).

A few more of her dolls:

Also I was checking out Dame Darcy's site last night and came across a piece she did called "Alice's Last Supper". I started to consider the idea of doing a modern version of Alice in a doll form. Mark and Andres were out while I found it, and when they came home I was surprised to see they had rented a movie...Alice in Wonderland. Neither of us had ever mentioned the movie , book or character ever with each other ever in the ten years we've known each other...just a little note on synchronicity..:)

( By the way,Dame Darcy is the reason I make dolls. When I moved to Bend three years ago I saw a program with her making her dolls and it peaked my interest.)
A week ago we "carved" four pumpkins and because of the cold weather we only have one that has survived. (The other three will be spending Halloween in the compost pile). By the way when I mean "carved" I don't mean the old fashioned way with a knife, seated at the kitchen table all afternoon while pumpkin seeds roast in the oven..my husband had to get out the power drill or saw thingy (whatever it is) and butcher the pumpkins in an efficient way. Over and done with in half an hour. That was a first!

Happy Halloween Everyone!!