Here are the new dolls that will be going up in my shop tomorrow along with the other nine dolls I posted the other day. I had been wanting to do a group of "art student" dolls early on and kind of veered from that for awhile. These dolls were begging to be made. Painting was the one class (both oil and acrylic) that I really struggled with and so I decided to make my dolls "beginner" painting students, each doing a basic self portrait of themselves.( I did these little amateur paintings using acrylics..they measure 2 x 2.75"). I had so much fun that'd I would love to take a class again and learn how to push paint around without making mud.
I made a few extra dolls this week because I probably wont be getting to any doll making next week due to other things that need to be tended to. Anyhow, all sixteen dolls will be up tomorrow at noon on Etsy. Thanks for stopping by..have a wonderful day!