Here is the "tentative" date for the next shop update. I decided to add a few more dolls and sometime yesterday I hurt my arm/shoulder (not sure how). So it may be pushed back to next Friday..we'll see.
Oh, I almost forgot to share this artist I just discovered~I'm sure many of you have already heard of her." Miss Clara" does the most amazing paper works (dolls,shoes, etc.). Her site "Le Jardin de Miss Clara" is well worth meandering through (English version available).
And now about the "doll challenge/my dolls show". Lori over at Faerie Window is hosting a gathering of doll lovers who will show off their favorite doll(s), doll parts, etc. These dolls are made by themselves, by others, passed down through generations etc. So this Tuesday April 8th go check out her site as she will have a list of people's websites who are participating. If this is your first time to my site welcome!!
Here are a few of my favorite dolls that I have made in the past six months. Every doll I put in my Etsy shop is made with lots of attention and love~ nothing less than my best is ever put up for sale. So that being said, it's sort of hard to pick just one favorite doll when I have many but if you'd like to see more you can view them here on my site.
Kiki de Montparnasse is probably my favorite. How do I know this? If I had all of my dolls in a room and I could grab only one, she would be it! Another favorite is Isolde~I was aiming for a certain look and for some reason I couldn't achieve make her look like I had envisioned. It was as if she wanted to be a certain way and was dictating that to me all the while I was making her.
And the Lady Birds with their party masks are definitely favorites of mine~
There are too many to mention and since all of these have found wonderful homes ( I guess they're not really mine anymore!) I'll show you two that I have recently purchased on Etsy:)I just found out about this challenge today so forgive me for not using my own photos of the dolls in their new environment.
"I could fancy a cup of coffee" doll by Katja of Who by fire
"Sammy" by artist Carol Roque
Thanks for stopping by:) I look forward to visiting all of those participating in the day long challenge!