Thanks to all you who sent kind thoughts my mom's way. She came home from the hospital today and the doctors think they were able to get a correct diagnosis (Addisons Disease) and have to do more tests to try and figure out her other ailments. So continue sending good thoughts her way.
This week Andres and I both had to see the doctor as he had a touch of the croup and I've been sick with a lovely virus. We had to miss a birthday party yesterday but with the weather in the 90's this weekend we just had to get out today. We were invited by some friends to a BBQ out in Tumalo (just a few miles north of Bend) which is a beautiful area filled with ranches and incredible views of the Cascades. I think when people picture Oregon, images of forests and rain come to mind but we actually live in the middle of Oregon in the high desert. We have the snow covered Cascades mountain range, forests, farm land, buttes and a desert area that reminds me of Arizona all in our surrounding area (it rarely rains here by the way).
The BBQ get together was held on part of a ranch where the owner has wild animals in captivity. Leopards, lions,tigers etc. It was surprising to see them here and quite a treat for the kids. I'm not sure how they came into his possession~ it's always kind of hard to see animals caged so I'm hoping that they needed a refuge from wherever they came.
And there were plenty of birds~Ostriches, peacocks, geese, etc. along with the usual llamas, horses and cows that ranchers raise in the area.
The afternoon could not have been more pleasant~the atmosphere was laid back and the company was wonderful. Lots of kids running around barefoot playing around in the mud and grass enjoying a summer like afternoon under the pink trees.. It was one of those perfect afternoons you just wish you could have everyday.

After the get together we headed home and got out the convertible for a ride and late bite to eat at a new Peruvian/Mexican restaurant in town. The nice the thing about the Springs/Summers here is that it doesn't get dark till quite late and most everyone is out and about. I am so happy winter is over with (remember my January posts?)and from now through Summer this town comes to life with weekly concerts, farmers markets, festivals,bike races,etc. You'll be seeing plenty of posts involving those things coming up I'm sure:) Hope you had a wonderful weekend as well and that you didnt spend it all working away. My husband talked me into stepping away from my art and spending it outside with friends and family instead and I'm glad he did. Come Monday morning, though, it's back to the studio:)
Andres will be inheriting this car when he's old enough to drive..assuming that gas is affordable in about fourteen years or so.

I have several dolls new dolls in the works for the next update (including a few mermaids)~and it'll be a big one! I'll be posting pictures of them here and there once they're finished including these "little girls" who are still in the process of being painted. One of these days I'll show the steps invloved in making one. Sculpting, baking, re-baking, painting, re-painting, glazing, re-glazing..you get the idea:)
And there is one of the new cat/bird mask dolls still available in my Etsy shop.That will be the last of the bird masks for awhile..new things are waiting in the wings..so to speak:)
All photos by Christine Alvarado © 2008