I joined Etsy last fall hoping that I would sell a few dolls and I am so happy to have just sold my 100th doll recently! I owe
big thanks to all of you for "adopting" them and giving me support with your encouraging words:) Instead of waiting for my 100th post to do another giveaway (which is way down the road) I've decided to have one now.
I know, I know you must think that I'm giving the store away being that I just had one for the mermaid.I assure you that's not the case. I've had the idea to do this for some time now, plus it'll be awhile before I do another doll giveaway (probably Winter). This is just my way of saying "Thank you!" and giving those who are interested a chance at having one of my dolls. This is open to all :)
So from now until two days before my next update,(not sure when that be but I'll announce the date a week in advance as usual), you can leave a comment, doll name suggestions (I could use some!), a word or phrase in a foreign language that I can teach my little one, etc. I will randomly pick a winner and I'll announce their name at that time .
That person can pick one of two options:
A. They can choose one of the dolls in upcoming shop update before they go on sale (yes, you get first dibs)
B. A gift Certificate for $85 to use in my Etsy shop at anytime they choose (doesn't include shipping costs)
I'm a little behind, being that I'm still feeling under the weather, but I hope to be back next week with some shots of a few dolls I've finished. I will be showing more dolls as I get closer to the update sometime in early-mid June. It's a long weekend ahead..enjoy!
A favorite quote to send you off with~
All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.
T.E. Lawrence