Thanks to all you who sent kind thoughts my mom's way. She came home from the hospital today and the doctors think they were able to get a correct diagnosis (Addisons Disease) and have to do more tests to try and figure out her other ailments. So continue sending good thoughts her way.
This week Andres and I both had to see the doctor as he had a touch of the croup and I've been sick with a lovely virus. We had to miss a birthday party yesterday but with the weather in the 90's this weekend we just had to get out today. We were invited by some friends to a BBQ out in Tumalo (just a few miles north of Bend) which is a beautiful area filled with ranches and incredible views of the Cascades. I think when people picture Oregon, images of forests and rain come to mind but we actually live in the middle of Oregon in the high desert. We have the snow covered Cascades mountain range, forests, farm land, buttes and a desert area that reminds me of Arizona all in our surrounding area (it rarely rains here by the way).
The BBQ get together was held on part of a ranch where the owner has wild animals in captivity. Leopards, lions,tigers etc. It was surprising to see them here and quite a treat for the kids. I'm not sure how they came into his possession~ it's always kind of hard to see animals caged so I'm hoping that they needed a refuge from wherever they came.
And there were plenty of birds~Ostriches, peacocks, geese, etc. along with the usual llamas, horses and cows that ranchers raise in the area.
The afternoon could not have been more pleasant~the atmosphere was laid back and the company was wonderful. Lots of kids running around barefoot playing around in the mud and grass enjoying a summer like afternoon under the pink trees.. It was one of those perfect afternoons you just wish you could have everyday.
After the get together we headed home and got out the convertible for a ride and late bite to eat at a new Peruvian/Mexican restaurant in town. The nice the thing about the Springs/Summers here is that it doesn't get dark till quite late and most everyone is out and about. I am so happy winter is over with (remember my January posts?)and from now through Summer this town comes to life with weekly concerts, farmers markets, festivals,bike races,etc. You'll be seeing plenty of posts involving those things coming up I'm sure:) Hope you had a wonderful weekend as well and that you didnt spend it all working away. My husband talked me into stepping away from my art and spending it outside with friends and family instead and I'm glad he did. Come Monday morning, though, it's back to the studio:)
Andres will be inheriting this car when he's old enough to drive..assuming that gas is affordable in about fourteen years or so.
I have several dolls new dolls in the works for the next update (including a few mermaids)~and it'll be a big one! I'll be posting pictures of them here and there once they're finished including these "little girls" who are still in the process of being painted. One of these days I'll show the steps invloved in making one. Sculpting, baking, re-baking, painting, re-painting, glazing, get the idea:)
Our flowers are finally blooming...well some of them are
Thanks to those who "adopted" dolls from the mini shop update! I still have a few left and they will be the last of the bird masks (for long while anyhow).
After I posted them on Friday I ran on downtown to get tickets to see Senator Obama on Saturday and when I got there the line had already wrapped around several blocks. I waited three hours in line only to find out that the were gone. I thought U2 tickets were hard to get! Some people had arrived at five that morning just to make sure they got tickets.
So Saturday I watched his speech on t.v. and afterwards ran up to the school where the "town meeting' was being held. I listened to the question and answer part of the meeting ,outside the gym along with all of the others who didn't get tickets. Some of us were able to see him (barely) when he left. Maybe he'll be back and I hope that Senator Clinton will comes to speak in Bend. Her husband has been here twice in the past month but personally I'd rather hear the candidates themselves.
Sunday was a low key day, as I had wanted it. My favorite gift was the plate that Dad and Andres made for me. It was suppose to be a secret but when they came home earlier in the week with paint all over them I was able to guess what they were up to. Andres had recently got his haircut and when they pointed out the barber shop I noticed the new pottery place next door and that's how I put two and two together. Cant' fool us Moms! They went with an ocean theme after having seen me work on my mermaids:)
I also got the studio back in order after the collapse of the shelf, or landslide, as I remember it ..lets hope that's the last of any near misses!
Also I have a request to send good thoughts my Mom's way. She reads this so I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning this. Without divulging too many details she got Salmonella poisoning after eating at a restaurant a year and a half ago and spent time in the ICU a few times. At that time I didn't know how serious it was but she has since told us she nearly died. She has had some serious complications from it (constant dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, no energy etc) and despite taking medications they keep re-occurring. My mom had to go into the hospital again yesterday and I ask that you say a little prayer or kind thought if so inclined. She is also dealing with the loss of her mom a few months ago and that hasn't helped the situation. Thanks..I know she'd appreciate it and I know some of you have had similar health issues in your families lately and can relate.
This is for you Grandma Susan!
Andres singing his "version" of one of his favorite songs "Moon River" :)
" to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after that same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me"
PLEASE NOTE THIS LAST MINUTE CHANGE: Tomorrow's update will be at 11am instead of Noon Pacific.
I just found out one of our presidential candidates (whom my husband wants to see) is coming to speak in Bend this Saturday (should be interesting) and in order to see them I have to get tickets at noon tomorrow. Hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone~
Click on photos to enlarge them
Hello! Just stopping by to show the eight dolls that will be up in my shop Friday at 11 am (Pacific). This update is a "mini" one as I had so much fun working on the mermaids for the Swashbuckler Soiree that I ran out of time t make more. But next update (maybe a month away) will be much larger with a variety of dolls and I'm hoping to have some mermaids in that one for those who have asked. If the next update is that far away I will post images of the dolls I have finished as I go. I'm just happy to have these finished in time! I was working at my desk when one of the shelves from my wall collapsed while I was painting masks. Paint, broken cups, coffee, books were everywhere and some of the masks and limbs were crushed. So I had to re-do a few. Thank God my dolls were in the other room or there wouldn't be an update. And I'm also glad that I had recently moved the contents of the second shelf down to the first otherwise I would've had a concussion! Ok minor drama, but all is well.
These eight dolls not only have bird masks but I decided to also give them cat masks...each doll having the masks of a predator and an prey.(It's kind of hard making cats without making them look too cutesy or scary). Eventually I'd like to explore this theme on a deeper maybe darker level. One of my artist friends in town, Kaycee, has mentioned possibly doing a show in the fall and so I'm thinking about having some dolls and possibly photos on display. It's been awhile since I've shown work~ I haven't since I left California over 3 years ago. Anyhow I'm getting side tracked! ~ these dolls will be available tomorrow in my shop. Hope to see you there:) Spring has finally arrived here in Oregon...
To be notified of when I will have more dolls available, contact me at:
[email protected].
This is for mailing list requests ONLY. Please note that I only check this account before sending out announcements regarding new dolls, so if you have any
inquiries please send email to: [email protected].
Thanks for your patience!