1. Whenever I take out a cup or glass to use I have to smell the inside first. I'm very sensitive to drinking or eating anything that has the slightest taste of Cascade or Dawn Soap ~ I've thrown out many a beverage due to this problem.
2. When I was a kid and played on my tricycle I use to pretend I was driving up and down streets and I always used my turn signals by clicking my tongue to imitate the sound. While I don't do that as a adult I do get a little crazy when people don't use their signals. My husband put a bumper sticker on my car that says "Turn Signals: not just for smart people anymore". Now when I drive, I'm paranoid about using my turn signals and that people think I'm a bit snarky.
3. The sound of liquid being poured on a T.V. show or movie drives me nuts in the same way the sound of fingernails down a chalkboard does for others. You know what I'm talking about..those 1970's shows where someone's pouring scotch and it's deafening.. and the sound of computer keyboards clicking away is a close second among annoying sounds to me.
4. Growing up we often had cereals like Raisin Bran for breakfast. I use to pick out the raisins and then put them back in the box for the next person. I don't care for leathery raisins in my cereal and if I had to eat that cereal again I'd do the same, except maybe I'd just toss the raisins..maybe. :)
Picture I drew of Pokey a few years back
5. We use to own an Iguana named Pokey. She was the best pet ever and we never kept her caged. Well,one time we snuck her into the MGM in Vegas where we let her swim in the hot tub in our room. Unfortunately we left the hot water running and nearly boiled her. It was very upsetting but she made full recovery and lived for many years after :) Oh and she use to sleep on our bed at night like a cat or dog.
6. I'm not a fan of Bob Ross's paintings but there is something about his voice that is hypnotic and soothing. The way he says "these trees need a friend", "it's your world, you can paint what you want" or "let's beat the devil out of it" and the sound of a paintbrush on canvas just leaves me in a drooling stupor. Shh..don't tell anyone!!
Now that I've embarrassed myself, how about leaving a quirk or two about you! I'll be back later this week with a few dolls I've finished (with their masks below).