Andres's tricycle shot with my digital camera through the viewfinder of my Kodak Reflex camera
Just popping into to wish everyone nice Labor Day weekend! We're busy cleaning (you should see the sap that I had to scrape off my car from the Ponderosa Pines in our yard ) and running errands, enjoying a last Summer BBQ, and such. This week Mark starts back at his job (he's an amazing eighth grade teacher..tough, yet fun and has the respect of his kids..something not easily earned from that age group) and Andres will be both here at and "Grandma" Julia's house.
When he was born I was adamant about not having him in any form of daycare. "No one is going to raise my kid!". But reality set in..I needed some help and he needed to be around other kids. Fortunately we found a wonderful woman who has an inviting home in which she only takes teacher's kids (including Andres's cousin Julia). He went there last year, made friends and loved it. There were times he didnt want to come home with me. That's a good sign! He's a very social kid and it's nice to see that he'll be back having his regular playmates around. This means I'll be in the studio again on a somewhat regular basis making my dolls and new mini sculptures.
I may be somewhat absent this week from blogging as I will be spending my time creating away. I will be catching up on my blogging so I'll be dropping by:)
A few images of Andres on the back deck this week~he's very much into painting these days. He'll go out there when it's late in the evening, past his bedtime and try to start painting. One morning we had the doors open before he was awake and the next thing we knew he was out there in his diaper painting and chatting about his painting.
The bottom right piece is titled "Moon River and Tobasco Sauce". I'm not kidding that is what he was calling it:) This reminded me of a few quotes by Picasso.
"It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child".
"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
Don't ever lose your childlike imagination and creativity Andres!
This has been sitting on my shelf collecting dust..looks like I'll have to start carrying it around with my digital camera and practice getting some interesting shots :)
through the viewfinder
through the viewfinder