Just a quick and sincere thank you for all of your orders today! I will be shipping the ornaments off by Monday. I'm receiving emails about the shopping cart problem at Etsy again and the best thing I can recommend is to contact Etsy directly ([email protected]) and hopefully they'll fix this dilemma. And I am considering starting a line of smaller dolls for those who asked. My very first dolls were under 9" and so I may revisit that size again. Ok..off to get some work done and prepare for my son's birthday party this weekend :)
Here are the doll ornaments that will be part of today's shop update! Each doll is approx. 8.5-9"(not including the 2.5" ribbon), just a few inches smaller than my normal size dolls. I chose to make these a little larger than last years ornaments ,and without as much glitter and sparkle (I saved that for the lady bird ornaments). I wanted to create ornaments that best reflect how my dolls look like at this particular time in my doll making.
These were created specifically so that they could be displayed on the Christmas tree and/or hanging on a wall.. and the "Joyeux Noel" Midori ribbon is removable should you choose to display this doll year round. These dolls are made just like my larger dolls~the legs and arms are movable and they can sit on a shelf as well.
There will be a limited edition of twelve available. All orders will be shipped out at the beginning of next week :)
Don't forget to visit other Etsy sellers who are having their holiday shop updates today! Off to get some shut eye..see you soon!