(click images to enlarge)Greetings and Welcome to my blog ! My "giveaway" is a doll I made this week for the One World One Heart Event. Her name is Caer (pronounced Kyair) and her companion, Aengus the Swan and they are my (modern) version of the characters from the Irish Myth of Aengus and Caer Ibormmeith... :)
"..Aengus the young was the son of Dagda and Boann. He was young and handsome, and had four birds constantly flying around his head. These birds inspired love in those who heard them, for Aengus was the god of love. Aengus fell in love with a girl he had seen in his dreams but was troubled as he could not find her nor did he know who she was.The silent apparition he had seen was making him ill. He ate no food that day. That night he saw her again, with the world's sweetest timpán in her hand. She played for him until he fell asleep. He stayed there all night, and the next day he ate nothing His mother, Boann, searched Ireland for an entire year as did his father, Dagda.
Finally, King Bodb Dearg of Munster found her after a year of searching.
Aengus went to the lake of the Dragons's Mouth and found 150 girls chained up in pairs. He found the maiden in his dreams, Caer Ibormeith. On November 1, Caer and the other girls would turn into swans for one year, every second Samhain. Aengus was told he could marry Caer if he could identify her as a swan and he succeeded in doing so. He pledged his eternal love for Caer by turning himself into a swan. They flew away together to Bruig Mac Óg (Newgrange), and they sang a song that put all there to sleep for three days and three nights..."
F e b r u a r y 1 2 t h . If for some reason you are unable to send a comment on through just send me an email and I will gladly add it to the comment section :)
Some of you may be new and have never heard about the OWOH event. This is an annual event in which bloggers from around the world hold a giveaway on their blog. It can be anything (antiques,supplies,etc.) but original artwork of any kind is encouraged. It was the brilliant idea of
Lisa Swifka of A Whimsical Bohemian who thought this would be a great way to connect with other bloggers while celebrating the spirit of giving and friendship. That's the whole reason behind this three week event!
Please be sure to visit the
One World One Heart Blog for the list of those holding giveaways as well. You have until February 12th as that is the date participants will be drawing names of winners.
This is a great way to meet new people all over the world and discover some amazing web sites and talented individuals :)
Thank you for stopping by!
~Christine Alvarado~
(p.s. When you leave a comment don't worry~ I will not be giving your email addresses away nor will I be sending you any emails..promise ..unless you win of course!)
: : D o l l D e s c r i p t i o n : :Caer is made of Polymer Clay and painted in acrylics with a matte varnish. She has a foil armature in her torso and head and has a wire through both for extra support. She is approx. 14" from head to toe which is a bit larger than my regular 11"-12"dolls. Caer is wearing an off white cotton dress and a bottle green ribbon around her waist with a gold pattern on it (clothes are not removable). Her necklace is made of peridot and she wears a white silk flower in her hair with a green swarovski crystal. Her legs and arms are moveable but her knees are not.
Aengus the swan is approx 3" in length and has a crown made of gold vermeil (sterling silver plated with carat gold) adorning his head. These one of a kind "painterly" pieces must be handled with utmost care as they can easily be scuffed or break if not careful. They are for display purposes only and not intended for children.