I'm finally back in the studio this week, working away (slowly) on a few busts and lady bird ornaments (for Valentines). I will probably have a mini update at the end of the month and have a larger "restocking the shelves" shop update next month with just dolls. My studio is relatively in order again but my fingers are really badly cracked and split (yes it does hurt!) which is something I've had to deal with since moving here. Anyhow that has slowed me down just a little. As you can see above I've started a few items and will be putting those aside today as I need to get started on my One World One Heart Giveaway which begins Monday!
Also I mentioned a few months ago that I would probably start taking custom orders this month but that has been put on hold for now. My apologies to those who are interested and have been waiting. I've been thinking about this daily and have finally made a decision. I just feel like I'm not ready yet as I have so much I want to get done right now. I feel like I'm at a turning point in my learning curve and I want to experiment and learn new techniques ~ I feel very strongly that this is something that I must do. That takes time on top of having family responsibilities. But when I am ready to take custom orders I will let you know. I think that in the long run my dolls will only get better so it will be worth the wait :)
Oh and one last thing before I go, if you haven't heard Stephanie from Nie Nie Dialogues is back at home. She has a long recovery ahead but starting tomorrow she will back to writing again via her blog . How great is that :)
See you next week!