(click images to enlarge..above photo c. Tom Haney)
I was reading a blog post this week about finding heart-stopping magic on the internet. And how wonderful it makes you feel when you come across items that really takes your breath away. Well I found a such a quality in the work of Atlanta artist Tom Haney. His figures , mostly carved out of wood, have such fantastic spirit and character! While they are intriguing as is, they are actually kinetic pieces, wired on the inside , creating a whole other dimension to his work. Tom has a large portfolio of crank operated work, motor driven pieces and figures. If you have the time , please go visit his site as he has video of each art piece in motion. Pure magic~
(above photo from a photo essay on Tom Haney c. Gregory Campbell Photography
if you visit this site look under "stories" and you'll see it there)
My father gave me this clock case a few months ago and I knew that I could create a shadow box with it using my dolls.I'm hoping to do so as part of an upcoming project. Finding Tom's work inspired me to get it out of the garage and dust it off..and start thinking of the possibilities :)
Back next time with photos of the dolls that will be in Sunday's update!