Hello~ I've decided to change plans a little and have a mini update next Sunday! It will be a small one with six dolls~I had wanted to hold a larger update but I didn't want to prolong that for another month
( I've been sick in bed for the past three days so I am further behind in my work). We'll save a larger update for another time : ) In the meantime I'll finish up the dolls this week and will post images up by Saturday (Sunday morning at the latest).
I often get emails asking when the next update will be so I've decided to set up a mailing list. This will be sent out 5-7 days before an update and will be to notify you of shop updates only. Just send an email to dubuhdudesigns@gmail and type in "shop update list" in the title. That's all you need to do. I'll send you a confirmation email in day or two (check your Spam mail if you haven't received it). I will begin sending out emails starting with the next shop update.
Thanks and I will return emails,calls,etc in the next day to two..back to bed~