Flowers for the new garden
We spent this morning at a few local nurseries searching for the perfect flowers for our existing garden and for a new one we are starting on the side of the house. I thought it would be a perfect place for Andres to have his own garden ~it receives the most sunlight and he is at that age where he is interested in watering plants, watching things grow,..bugs, etc.
We have sooo much to do~I forsee us working away the next several weekends to get rid of all of the pine needles that dropped all winter long from our ponderosa pines. They serve as the perfect mulch during the freezing temperatures but now it's time to clear them out. Time to exhume the dead plants, weeds, and cut the grass. It snowed here last week but I think we're ok to go ahead and plant despite the chilly nights. The reward for all of our hardwork should look like this (last years bloom).
Here is what's we picked out as our starting plants~Bleeding Hearts, Lilac, Catnip (for our neighborhood cats who like to visit), Honeysuckle, Hyssup, Golden Thyme, Purple Enchanted Evening Roses, French Peppermint, Clematis, Cecile Brunner climbing roses, cherry tomatoes,Water Misers, Golden Lemon Balm, Foxglove, Bellfowers, Orange and Chocolate Mint, watermelon seeds,etc. I'll be sure to post a picture of Andres's garden once it is thriving:)
Back to working the garden ! Wishing all mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day:)
p.s. You might remember me mentioning Joanna and Ron Pierotti a few weeks ago (he has cancerous tumors in his brain). He goes into surgery (his first of two) this Wedsnesday at UCSF so maybe keep him and Joanna in your thoughts this week~
I'd much rather spend money on this than a new pair of shoes anyday..