Well it's been a weekend of "flight related" events here in town~Summer time in Bend means activities galore). With two guys in the house that love anything to do with flying you know where we were.. We got up early Saturday morning to see the annual "Balloons Over Bend" event only to be disappointed ~the winds prevented the balloons from flying. Fortunately this morning, at my subtle urging, (GET UP nooooww !! ) we were able to see the 6:30 am launch of at least a dozen or more hot air balloons down at the Ampitheater in the Old Mill District. It was worth the early rise and chilly weather to see the colorful balloons float about. Andres, despite having been in one before, was a little unsure of them (the sound and fire scared him) but we could see his pensive little face was curious. Mark stood awhile in line with him to get on a teathered balloon for a "short ride" but Andres backed out at the last minute and was rather vocal about not getting on. Perhaps next year:)
Saturday morning after the first failed balloon launch we ventured out to the airport for the annual "Airport Appreciation Day" (they ought to re-schedule this for Father's Day) and Andres got to pretend he was a pilot in the helicopters and watched the flyover of F-15's and other planes take off and land. They were giving helicopter rides over the area (what a way to see the Cascades) but we passed on it this year. Andres went up in one two years ago but since lately he's at that stage where he would either love it or be afraid (translation: throw a tantrum) we figured perhaps another time :)
Saturday evening's light show ~complete with a few balloons, music and fire dancers under a full moon.
As I mentioned before I'm taking a short blog break and will be back later this month. I have several projects to get to and two blog events coming up including the Mad Hatter Tea Party.. after this weekend's inspiration perhaps we'll have a Hot Air Balloon Ride Part II ..?. :)
See you soon!
(Thank you to those who purchased a doll this weekend!)