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Here is Tallulah and her branch of green pears (in keeping with the theme of the past few dolls). I chose to use viscose again for the hair as I really like how it handles. I have lots of silk samples, soy, bamboo,etc and they are very similar in texture but still aren't the best for long hair. The best solution so far seems to be mohair, although the texture is a bit coarse so now I have to find the right mohair ~ probably not of any importance to you unless you are a fellow doll maker :) I also want to keep costs down so I don't have to raise my prices too much.Thanks for all of your tips!
I have decided to put Bellanca, Tita and Tallulah in my shop this weekend~I'll include the details here in the next few days (I'll send out emails to those on my mailing list first ) and doll descriptions will be included here just before the "update". Actually it's not really an update as I had wanted to have more dolls but I thought these should be in my shop sooner rather than later.
I have several projects to get to including making dolls for a few blog events coming up (plus I just found out I have jury duty in the next week or two) . So I figured this would be a good time to take a few weeks off from blogging so I can catch up on my projects and then return later this month with new dolls :)
: D O L L D E S C R I P T I O N :
Tallulah is approx. 12.25 inches from head to toe (31.12 cm). She is wearing an aqua blue dress with sun/ flower patterns embroidered with copper and gold metallic thread (fabric from India). She wears a teal blue ribbon sash made of lace and her shoes are painted metallic gold. Around her neck she wears a necklace of glass beads and a brass pendant with an orange swarovski crystal (the necklace has been glue in place to prevent breakage).
Tallulah is also part of the new series of Du Buh Du Dolls that are made with "hair". Her chestnut brown hair (made of viscose and matching her eyes) is pulled up into two buns in the back and glued into place. Two green silk flowers adorn the her hair.
She is carrying a branch of green pears, each fruit is hand sculpted by me from polymer clay (just as my dolls are) and painted with acrylics and a protective varnish.
Please note that my dolls always vary in size and while these are approx. the same size as my previous doll they have slightly larger heads as I find this size even more agreeable to work with:)
(For more info visit this link for FAQ's , info. about doll construction, my shop policies and pricing)