images above c. Handspring Puppet Company
Had to share this link here in case you missed it on my links from the previous week on Crescendoh. I can't seem to get this new puppetry from Handspring Puppet Company out of my mind~amazing isn't it? You can visit their website here though I wish I could find more video of some of their performances.
Making War Horse - trailer from David Bickerstaff on Vimeo.
Sooo..I've been getting lots of emails regarding the next shop update and calavera Catrina Dolls. I will be posting a Shop Update Announcement later this week as I already have the date in mind for sometime later next week for the update. I'll be working away when I can which means I'll pretty much be offline and may not get to your emails. To answer your questions, the Catrina Dolls be be part of the upcoming shop update (I did not sell them yet) and info about reserves, prices etc. can be found here. And for those asking about prints, my printer will be in the shop this week getting fixed I hope. It's one of those cases of not enough time or hands to get things finished around here! Enjoy your week~see you soon~