From the Global Tree Project by Shinji Turner-Yamamoto, 2010
Instead of writing post reflecting on the previous year, about all of the projects/goals/changes I'd like to accomplish this year, I choose to share two incredible installations that visualize how I feel about the future. How I wish it to be one filled (I'll gladly take partially filled) with stunning stop-in-my-tracks surprises and beauty, boldness, subtlety, refinement and insight..the future unfolding in ways one never could have imagined :)
photo credits: Shinji Turner-Yamamoto
Find out more about the Global Tree Project by visiting this link. And you can see more of Gerda Steiner and Jörg Lenzlinger's fantastic installations (like the Falling Garden below) on their website here.
Falling Garden by Gerda Steiner and Jörg Lenzlinger, 2003
photo credits: Steiner & Lenzlinger