Well the Shrine Auction is set to begin this Sunday June 5th at Noon Pacific time (and end Sunday the 12th) and the auction site is open for previewing at this time! To view, comment or bid on my piece you can click here. Please note that you will need to register first which is fairly simple. You will only need an email address and your name (you don't have to include your real name if you wish to remain a private bidder). Click here to read the instructions regarding bidding and to view the other donated shrines :) Special thanks to Ms. Rebecca who has worked so hard to organize this event for the past three years ~ she saw the need to get the word out about these children and Oaxaca Streetchildren Grassroots (Happy Birthday Rebecca!).
**Update: the auction site only works using Google Chrome or Firefox and not Internet Explorer
I will return this weekend with a New Doll. I know, that really should be plural but I'm working on it. For those asking about shop updates, the best way to be notified of when I have more dolls available is to join my mailing list at [email protected]. Since several of you have been asking about dolls for upcoming birthdays, graduations,etc. I will make an exception and put the new doll in my shop probably this weekend instead of holding onto her for the next update.
Lastly, I found this interesting..
While on my way to pick up my son from preschool yesterday I happened to catch a tiny bit of a discussion on NPR'Ss Talk of the Nation regarding the positive effects of music on the brain, specifically how studies have shown that certain music appears to help patients who live with dementia, vertigo, autism, the aftermath of a stroke,etc. (you can read about it here). A listener called in and mentioned that his son was encouraged to listen to the music of a French singer as part of his therapy but could not recall her name. Last night while blog hopping I serendipitously came across the video above by a woman named Nolwenn Leroy. After hitting the replay button for the tenth time I decided to google information on her and discovered that her music was part of a study about the healing effects of music. How patients upon hearing her music (and that of Mozart) were able to function better with notable results and that this phenomena has been coined the "Nolwenn Effect"..no doubt this was the singer the caller was referring to. Anyhow, she has been singing for some time and is well known in Europe but this was the first time I had heard of her. Though I am not fond of "pop" music per say I think she has a lovely voice and had to share this :)
See you soon!