Here my latest Frida art doll. She is making her way down to the Frida Show in CA where she'll be joining my other doll already on display. I was asked if I would create another one for the show, similar to the first one but not exactly the same. Initially I had planned to make marionettes of Frida and Diego, but having el Dia de los Muertos on my mind I chose to create two Fridas as representing vida y muerte, life and death..
: : D o l l D e s c r i p t i o n : :
This Frida doll is a hanging wall piece and is approx. 15" in length and 8" wide at the base of the dress. She is wearing a corset made of plaster with the words "Las lágrimas de la vida riego mi alma"( The tears of life water my soul) written across it. A green ribbon made of dupioni silk adorns her waist. Her skirt is made of green silk and black satin with sequins on it. The white cotton trim on the skirt is made from vintage fabric. Around her arms she wears a shawl in various hues of purples with black fringe on the ends. In her hair are silk and flocked paper flowers and her necklace is made of lapis. The banner across Frida's dress has printed on it a passage from her diary ,in Spanish, that reads "We were born for the same thing, to discover and love what has been discovered. Hidden. With the grief of always losing it".
The two marionettes are approx. 7" in length . They are holding banners that read mi arte (my art) ..mi diego.. mi hijos (my children) mi indentidad (my identity) mi amor (my love) mi dignidad (my dignity) mi cuerpo (my body) mi vida (my life).