Latest (ongoing) exhibition by Isabelle de Borchgrave
For those of you who have a life long love of paper like me, you probably fall in love all over again when you see something as spectacular as the latest work by designer and paper artist Isabelle De Borchgrave. Her most recent exhibition (currently being held at the Musées d’Art et d’Histoire du Cinquantenaire in her native Brussels) is based on the clothing of the famed Medici family and looks stunning. I can only imagine how exquisite the clothing must be in person. I'm crossing my fingers that she will exhibit her work here (on the West Coast) in the future..enjoy~
photos copyrighted by Andreas von Einsidel and Isabelle de Borchgrave
above: A short interview with the artist
above: An eight minute video showing her atelier, assistants and their process
I've been slow to get back into my work as I am still feeling not feeling myself but I am getting to them ~I'm finding lots of sources of inspiration lately which I'm taking as a tap on the shoulder about the direction my dolls might go. Thanks for bearing with me..
I'll be back tomorrow evening with the winner of the One World, One Heart Giveaway~